报 告 人:王鹏 教授
主 持 人:吴小华 教授
报告简介: With the increasing complexity of the power system operation environment and the deep reformation of electricity power system, to successfully convert the traditional gird to the smart grid, there exist a plenty of technical gaps to be filled. The adoption of smart grid technique greatly promotes the reformation of the power planning, meanwhile, breaks out the limits of the traditional power planning mode. Besides, the levels of digitization and intellectualization of the power system planning are also improved.

Prof. Peng Wang (IEEE Fellow) received his B.Sc. degree from Xi’an Jiaotong University, China, in 1978, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the University of Saskatchewan, Canada, in 1995 and 1998, respectively. He was visiting scholar of British Columbia University, Canada in 1991. He joined Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 1999 where he currently is a full professor in School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. He was associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid and currently is associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery. He was Chair and Deputy-Chair of IEEE PES Singapore Chapter from 2011 to 2013, and obtained IEEE PES Outstanding Engineer Award in 2014. He has published over 350 journal and conference papers including over 100 IEEE Trans papers. He has been a principle investigator for over $15 million research projects from industries and government organizations in several countries such as Singapore, China, USA and Europe, and involved and initialized several multi-millions projects. His research areas include power system reliability, resilience, planning, control and operation, smart grids, micro grids, and power market, and first proposed hybrid AC/DC microgrid concept in the world.