应控制理论与控制工程系史忠科教授邀请,英国利兹大学交通研究所刘蓉晖教授于2019年10月24日来我院进行了学术交流。上午十点,刘蓉晖教授在bwin必赢二楼报告厅开展了题为“A platoon-based cooperative eco-driving model for mixed automated and human-driven vehicles at a signalised intersection”的学术报告。相关专业教师及研究生、本科生出席了报告会。
Prof Ronghui Liu, Professor of Networks and Transport Operations, at the Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), University of Leeds, UK. She received her BSc from Peking University and PhD from Cambridge University. Before joining ITS Leeds, she was a Research Fellow at University College London, and while at ITS, she was seconded to head the Transport Modelling Division at TRL, UK in 2005. She served as an Associate Editor for journal IEEE Transaction on Intelligent Transportation Systems, and Member of Editorial Board of IET Journal of Intelligent Transport. Her research areas span a number of themes in the field of transport studies: in vehicle dynamics and traffic micro simulation model developments; in traffic control theory and algorithms; in travel behavior and Intelligent mobility; in stochastic models and reliability analysis; in public transport operations and controls; in timetabling and schedule coordination; and in train control and railway traffic management systems. She is particularly interested in the interrelationships between these themes, and methodologies for estimation, design and evaluation of their network-wide effects.